Plasma Fireballs can now be generated in Laboratory by Scientists

Pair plasmas, common in high-energy environments like those around neutron stars and black holes, can now be created in labs using powerful lasers. These plasmas are extremely hot and can reach high speeds, simulating conditions found in deep space.

pair plasma Surko Group: UC San Diego, physics, news, tech, technology, plasma
Electron-Positron (Pair) Plasma

Relativistic Pair Plasmas in Astrophysics

Relativistic electron-positron pair plasmas are crucial in high-energy astrophysical settings such as pulsar magnetospheres, jets from active galactic nuclei (AGN), and gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). With temperatures in the MeV range and Lorentz factors up to 1000, these plasmas exhibit unique behaviors that differ significantly from traditional, non-relativistic plasmas.

Their behavior is influenced by collective processes like streaming instabilities, magnetic reconnection, collisionless shocks, and turbulence, which are vital for understanding the dynamics and radiation in these systems.

Creating Pair Plasmas in the Lab

Thanks to advances in high-power lasers, we can now generate beams in high-Z metal targets by directly irradiating them with intense laser pulses or using a relativistic electron beam produced by laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA).

Significant progress has been made in controlling and characterizing pair production with lasers, producing relativistic pairs and achieving high pair beam densities. The number and density of pairs scale with laser energy, and we can control the pair beam's duration, divergence, energy, and charge neutrality by adjusting both laser and target parameters.

Future Developments and Opportunities

Increasing laser intensity is opening new opportunities to explore pair production in ultra-strong fields that exceed the quantum critical electric field, leading to prolific pair production in a vacuum.

This exciting development would allow the creation of very dense relativistic pair plasmas in the lab, enabling controlled studies of the interaction between strong-field quantum electrodynamics (QED) and collective plasma processes.

Diagnostic Advancements

Future studies of relativistic pair plasmas in the lab will need advanced diagnostics to observe key plasma processes, including particle energy distributions, plasma density, magnetic fields, and emitted radiation.

This will require improvements in current instruments for better sensitivity, precision, coverage, and spatial and temporal resolution. For instance, to measure a 10% change in energy distribution of electrons, positrons, or ions due to pair plasma instabilities or shocks, the particle energy spectrometer must measure particle numbers and energy with similar accuracy.

Generating pair plasmas in the lab with high-power lasers is a major achievement, providing a unique way to test theoretical and numerical models and gain a deeper understanding of plasma physics in high-energy astrophysical systems.

As laser energy and power continue to rise, we expect not only an increase in the number and density of pairs produced but also access to different pair production regimes associated with higher laser intensities. This will enable studies of nonlinear Weibel instability in relativistic pair plasmas and exploration of regimes where the interaction between quantum and collective processes is crucial.

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